Written In the Star by Tinnie Tempah featuring Eric Turner

Tinie Tempah is back; with his latest song in 2010 featuring Eric Turner entitled “Written in the Stars”. This song is actually written by Tinie Tempah. In this song, he tells about his passion for and struggle to get his name known.  Now, he is known as a famous rapper singer among the other rappers in the world of music because of this melody dramatic song.
In this song, he actually tells about his passion for and struggle for to get his known. We also can see that this song highlights about his past experience. Based on his experience, we can relate it to some issues have happened in this world such as child abandon, poverty, drug abuse and starvation. We can see that nowadays many people especially the black people face their lives with these problems every single day and sometimes, they have done some illegal activities like selling drugs to survive and get some money. Throughout his song, he calls himself as a ghetto and also mentions about his illegal stuff that he has ever done before in order to get money to survive as he mentions, “they say that money is the root to the evilist ways”.  The title of this song, “Written in the Stars” means his destiny has been already planned for his life as a human nature. He cannot change the fact that his dream is still a long journey as a singer.
  This song can be used in the classroom to create a comfortable environment and awareness among students of the message in the song. First, students will feel enjoy when teacher shows an interesting music video to them because for them, music is an entertainment for their lives. Then, teacher will explain about the message of what the singer conveys in the song. Teacher’s explanation about the song will make students realize how important their lives are and at the same time, they will relate this song into their reality of lives.
In conclusion, I really love listening to this song as the message of this song is meaningful and thoughtful for me. Rap song is my favourite genre and has become part of my soul.

Here is the song "Written in the Stars" with lyrics. Enjoy!

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The Power of Speech : Adolf Hitler & Winston Churchill

“That we conquer in devotion to this community – that is our faith, one in which we are confident, and that the Lord should not abandon us in this struggle of the coming year – let that be our prayer. Deutschland! Sieg Heil! “ – Adolf Hitler

“We shall go on to the end, we shall fight France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender…” – Winston Churchill

            Wow! What amazing and excellent speeches given by two prominent leaders, Adolf Hitler and Winston Churchill. Hitler was a leader of Nazi Germany while Churchill was a former Prime Minister of England. As leaders, they have done so many speeches in front of the audience. Both of them have few similarities and difference ways of giving their speeches. I have read about their speeches which are “We Shall Fight on the Beaches” by Churchill in1940 and Hitler’s speech at the Berlin in 1941.
 In their speeches, we can see that they give their speeches persuasively to the audience in order to grab their attention about what they have said to them. Besides, the use of persuasion skills is important for them as the audience will believe and support to their speeches. Both of them deliver their messages with good structured sentences so that the audience clearly understands on what they say to them.
On the other, they also discuss about the certain issue which is really important for their countries. Throughout the Hitler’s speech, he explains about his Germany nations who have suffered their lives during the World War. Churchill’s speech is emphasized about the death of England armies with such great numbers. They truly approach their speeches with his pure feelings and good thoughts. They seem really care about his nations and country.
Through these speeches, they have shown the best characteristics of becoming leaders. As leaders, they must have some confidence and good skills in everything. People will see their leaders as role models and the best leaders for their countries.
For Hitler and Churchill, I salute both of them!
“Hanke Danke (German language), Thank you very much!!!”

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Animal Farm by George Orwell

   What an amazing animated movie “Animal Farm” adapted by George Orwell. In this movie, George Orwell uses the animal characters in order to represent the human in the society. This movie is about the Manor Farm which is ill-treated by the owner of the farm, and all animals rebel to its master and take over the farm. Because all of them agree that they want to fight against their master and get together, they finally succeed in taking over the farm and earn what they want to; freedom. When there is no longer the owner of the farm, they form their own society. However, Napoleon, a tyranny pig, seizes control the farm and makes all animals become slaves. Even there is an agreement rule which is agreed and must be followed by all animals, but Napoleon manipulates them by changing the rule of 7 amendments become less than that. Throughout the 7 amendments, it says that “all animals are equal” but, however, Napoleon manipulates it as it mentions, “all animals are equal but some animals are more equal.”

   This story displays about greed and lust over the power of the society. George Orwell uses pigs as the main character and the leader in the story where Napoleon wrongly uses its power of leadership to dominate over other animals in the society. George Orwell also demonstrates the symbolism in the story brilliantly as to be more interesting and entertaining as well as less sensitivity towards the readers. This story is very suitable to use in the classroom as a material for students as teacher can teach them with moral values throughout the story which they can learn from and relate it to their reality of lives. Students will enjoy reading the great masterpiece work by a well-known writer, George Orwell.

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Monalisa Smile

My first impression towards this movie is kind of a bit boring and slow. Just like a wise man says, “Do not judge a book by its cover”. I should not judge this movie without watching it first. Then, after watching this whole movie, well, I am totally wrong about it. With my due respect, I am really amazed towards this movie and I think it is such great work done by the director of this movie.
Entertainment value:
The scene part that grabs my attention is when Katherine Watson, a young art history professor challenges her students by showing some pictures which do not include in their books. Consequently, the students are not able to answer and interpret those pictures because they have never learned about it. Because of students’ arrogance towards her, she tries to teach them a lesson that they should not only study in the books but look at from the other perspective. This demonstrates that Katherine shows her ability to teach her students in a creative way and makes them to think critically about they have learned in class. Besides that, she tries to prevent her students from dominating her lesson as during the previous class, she is tormented by her students when she shows some pictures to them and they are able to answer all of them well and fast.

For me as B.ED TESL student:
            Well, nowadays, students are more brilliant than teachers. Students will always challenge the teacher in many ways as they want to test the teacher’s ability as the role of teacher. For example, students ask some difficult questions to the teacher and the teacher needs to explain to them with such good answers. Consequently, students will consider their teacher as either a good or bad teacher. So, as a teacher, we have to be well-prepared before entering the class. Teacher also needs to be aware of students’ levels in class because not all students have same level in academic excellence.
            As a teacher, I hope that I can make my students become a better person in future. I really do not want to ruin their lives because of me. No matter what it takes, the risk of life must be taken. Teacher should respect students, and students should also respect teacher because they depend on each other to achieve their goals together.

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Lean On Me

Would you believe that one person can change the whole school become well? I would say that it is impossible for me to do it but for Mr. Clark, he would say, “Impossible is nothing to him!” and is the one who makes the difference for his school in the movie of “Lean On Me”. This story is really inspiring me to be a different teacher with having so much confidence in handling the students in school. This story is adapted based on the true story.

            In this movie, Mr. Joe Clark is assigned as principle of Eastside High School. Nobody thinks that he would last there because he will handle the school with the having the problematic students who involve in drugs, violence and others.  He wants to make the difference for his school and tries his best to improve it. Throughout this story, he expels a few students who do not obey the rules of school. The way he handles the school is tyrannical and different way, but however, other teachers do not like his way at all.  Because some of teachers do not like him and argue with him, he decides to fire those who are against him, just like what happen to a music teacher. It is pity when a teacher teaches the school for a long time and all of a sudden, he or she is totally being fired by a tyrannical principle. As a result, he finally changes the environment of the school and successfully prevents his students from involved the drug abuse and gang violence in the school. Students do really like him very much after he becomes the principle of the school within a few months.

            Mr. Joe Clark resembles my secondary school principle. He is a very strict and dedicated person. At that time, he becomes my History teacher in my class and everybody seems afraid of him but for, I do not as I know he is really kind-hearted person when he teaches his students. However, at the outside of the class, he becomes a different person like a monster who shall make people cry.

            The lesson that I have learned from this movie is teacher should be responsible towards students. Students are teacher’s clients. A teacher job is to educate students and make them become well-disciplined and better person. Students depend on their teacher for their future. They put on their beliefs towards their teacher because teacher is a person who can change them differently. If not, who else can be? Sometimes students cannot cope with their teacher because there is no responsibility in teacher’s attitude and teacher does not educate them well in class. Teacher tends to be more responsible just like Mr. Clark who has done a really good job for being responsible as principle school; make sure his school in safety, expel and punish the bad students, and keep up the school’s grade.  

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Akeelah and the Bee

1.What do you think of the movie in term of entertainment value?'

    Well, I would say that this movie is really fantastic and amazing to be watched for all watchers, not only for teenagers but also adults. This entertaining movie has included some entertainment values in order to make the audience feel enjoy and satisfied watching it. In this movie, it shows the message of determination and motivation within human will lead to success in life. It can be seen through the main character of the story, Akeelah who is really intelligent person participates in the spelling bee competition. At the beginning of story, she refuses to participate in that competition but after watching it in the television, her motivation towards participating in that competition becomes change all of a sudden. Due to her high determination and her commitment for it, she successfully becomes one of the top competitors in the national level.  Besides, Akeelah is actually almost being disqualified from the competition because her mother stops her during the competition. Akeelah should be thankful to her friend, Javier as he is the one who saves her from disqualifying in the competition. This is the best scene of the story when Javier tries to delay his turn by slowing his body movement and repeating all the words said by the judges in order to waste the time for sake of Akeelah to ensure her would qualify to join the competition.   

2. How does it affect you as you are taking B. Ed TESL course now?

It does sure affect me because what I have seen in this movie, truthfully, I need to improve my vocabulary words. As a teacher, I should be familiar with all words in English language because the best teacher must know in everything. I should act out as an expert teacher knowing all knowledge about the English. There are some words that I really do not familiar with, thus, I find those unfamiliar words in the dictionary in order to understand the meaning of the words.

3. How does it affect you if you relate the story in the movie to the teachers whom you know in the past?

Based on the movie, Akeelah’s teacher who called as Dr. Larabee does not really teach her much in spelling words but gives some motivation and guidance to her. He gives some techniques on how to spell the words in different ways and books to learn by herself without his help, but with others help. To be honest, if I were in her shoes, I would totally feel disappointed and give up for his action because he seems do not concern her about what she has done.   

4. What kind of practical/theoretical lesson that you learned after viewing this movie?

The lesson that I have learned from this movie is students have their own ways to improve their learning. They realize that the way that they learn from teacher is totally different rather than learning independently. Teacher should encourage his or her students to learn more about what they want to do. Every teacher has own style, so students need a support from their teacher and teacher should be aware of it and take it as a serious matter. More importantly, teacher should help them when they are in trouble and tries to overcome their problem wisely and well.  


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The Merry Maid & A Great Injustice

Both stories, “The Merry Maid” by Jayakaran Mukundan and “A Great Injustice” Heah Chwee Siah narrate all about women and the abandonment of the child out of wedlock. The abandonment of child out of wedlock occurs because of pre-marital sex between men and women.

            In “The Merry Maid”, Lakshmi has abandoned her child to other people by leaving her child at the doorstep of the big house because her financial status is not quite good during her young age. When she leaves her child at that house, she never realizes that Muslim people live at there. A few years later, she comes back to that house as a maid in order to meet her daughter. Even she meets her daughter back, she does not tell Sakinah that she is the real mother. This is because she thinks that it is not a good time and she is not ready yet to tell about it. Then, she has decided for not take back her daughter as she realizes that Sakinah is happy with Datin’s family and she cannot take back of what she has done badly to her daughter during the past time.   
            In “A Great Injustice”, Ah Nya becomes pregnant for Steven as a father of the baby. As a result, Steven leaves her because he does not want to take the responsibility towards the baby. It demonstrates that Steven is an irresponsible person who runs away from taking the responsibility towards Ah Nya’s pregnancy although Steven knows this will happen after doing sex. Because of the pressure of the society, Ah Nya makes her decision to abort her pregnancy. After she aborts her pregnancy, she feels satisfy on what she done. She blames on the society for killing her baby, but not blame on herself.
            In conclusion, teenagers should aware of the consequences pre-marital sex. Because of it, some innocent children out of wedlock will exist onto the earth and some of them are killed by their own mothers.

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Everything's Arranged & A Question of Dowry

Dowry O’ Dowry… 

What is the significance of dowry actually? Well, I’ll explain on a little bit detail about it. Dowry is property or money brought by a bride family to her husband family on their marriage. In Indian marriage, giving dowry is culturally compulsory. The bride family is the one who offer the dowry as a gift or reward to bridegroom side. The value of dowry depends on the bridegroom family and they have rights to demand on it. Some of them put the higher value on the dowry to bride side while some of them do not demand on it. Thus, dowry is a bride’s responsibility but the decision making towards the dowry is on the bridegroom’s shoulders.

In both short stories, “Everything’s Arranged” and “A Question of Dowry”, they have been highlighted on the dowry issue in Indian culture and tradition. First, throughout the story “Everything’s Arranged”, Rukumani has a secretive relationship with her lover, Devanayagam. They concealed their relationships without their families’ acknowledgement. Then, both families start finding the suitors for their arrangement marriage. Accidentally, both of families have agreed to marry their daughter and son. We can clearly see in the story that the bridegroom’s family has demanded to the bride’s family with such expensive ones in dowry such as money ($80,000), house and a plot of a land. When the rumors about the relationship with Rukumani and a Chinese boy, Johnny had reached to the bridegroom’s family, they have decided to increase the dowry as the bride’s family has brought shame to their family’s name.  

On the other hand, in the story, “A Question of Dowry”, Sivasothie’s marriage has to be cancelled because the bridegroom, Thiruchelvam does not feel satisfy on the dowry offered by the Mr. Ramachandran, Sivasothie’s father. Mr. Ramachandran has failed in offering the land to his future son-in-law and, because of that, he has to accept the decision made by Thiruchelvam for cancelling his marriage with Sivasothie. 

We can conclude that dowry is a burden for bride’s family but for bridegroom’s family, it is their benefits in a marriage. It is unfair that only one side gains the advantage but not both sides. Marriage should not be burdened by dowry. If there was no dowry in a marriage, of course, life could get better and better without it at all.  

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