The Merry Maid & A Great Injustice

Both stories, “The Merry Maid” by Jayakaran Mukundan and “A Great Injustice” Heah Chwee Siah narrate all about women and the abandonment of the child out of wedlock. The abandonment of child out of wedlock occurs because of pre-marital sex between men and women.

            In “The Merry Maid”, Lakshmi has abandoned her child to other people by leaving her child at the doorstep of the big house because her financial status is not quite good during her young age. When she leaves her child at that house, she never realizes that Muslim people live at there. A few years later, she comes back to that house as a maid in order to meet her daughter. Even she meets her daughter back, she does not tell Sakinah that she is the real mother. This is because she thinks that it is not a good time and she is not ready yet to tell about it. Then, she has decided for not take back her daughter as she realizes that Sakinah is happy with Datin’s family and she cannot take back of what she has done badly to her daughter during the past time.   
            In “A Great Injustice”, Ah Nya becomes pregnant for Steven as a father of the baby. As a result, Steven leaves her because he does not want to take the responsibility towards the baby. It demonstrates that Steven is an irresponsible person who runs away from taking the responsibility towards Ah Nya’s pregnancy although Steven knows this will happen after doing sex. Because of the pressure of the society, Ah Nya makes her decision to abort her pregnancy. After she aborts her pregnancy, she feels satisfy on what she done. She blames on the society for killing her baby, but not blame on herself.
            In conclusion, teenagers should aware of the consequences pre-marital sex. Because of it, some innocent children out of wedlock will exist onto the earth and some of them are killed by their own mothers.

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