The Power of Speech : Adolf Hitler & Winston Churchill

“That we conquer in devotion to this community – that is our faith, one in which we are confident, and that the Lord should not abandon us in this struggle of the coming year – let that be our prayer. Deutschland! Sieg Heil! “ – Adolf Hitler

“We shall go on to the end, we shall fight France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender…” – Winston Churchill

            Wow! What amazing and excellent speeches given by two prominent leaders, Adolf Hitler and Winston Churchill. Hitler was a leader of Nazi Germany while Churchill was a former Prime Minister of England. As leaders, they have done so many speeches in front of the audience. Both of them have few similarities and difference ways of giving their speeches. I have read about their speeches which are “We Shall Fight on the Beaches” by Churchill in1940 and Hitler’s speech at the Berlin in 1941.
 In their speeches, we can see that they give their speeches persuasively to the audience in order to grab their attention about what they have said to them. Besides, the use of persuasion skills is important for them as the audience will believe and support to their speeches. Both of them deliver their messages with good structured sentences so that the audience clearly understands on what they say to them.
On the other, they also discuss about the certain issue which is really important for their countries. Throughout the Hitler’s speech, he explains about his Germany nations who have suffered their lives during the World War. Churchill’s speech is emphasized about the death of England armies with such great numbers. They truly approach their speeches with his pure feelings and good thoughts. They seem really care about his nations and country.
Through these speeches, they have shown the best characteristics of becoming leaders. As leaders, they must have some confidence and good skills in everything. People will see their leaders as role models and the best leaders for their countries.
For Hitler and Churchill, I salute both of them!
“Hanke Danke (German language), Thank you very much!!!”

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